Thursday, July 30, 2009
Cantaloupe Ice Cream with Agave
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Sunday Salads: Hot Weather Cooking

Yes, it was a lot of chopping, and yes, I did a lot of dishes, but the end result was worth it. Now I have salads for a week's worth of lunches. Three salad recipes down and only 98 more to go...
Kitchen Sink Tabouli
Be sure to rinse your quinoa very well before cooking. The outer layer contains saponins, which tastes really bitter and is not always completely removed during commercial processing (as I discovered the hard way the first time I made quinoa!).
1/4 C. Quinoa, rinsed
1/4 C. Bulgar
1/2 Lemon, juiced
2 T. Red wine vinegar
2 T. Olive oil
1 Persian cucumber, diced
1/4 C. Grape tomatoes, quartered
1 Large radish, small dice
2 Scallions, chopped
1/4 C. Grated carrots
4 C. Flat leaf parsley leaves, finely chopped
1/4 C. Feta cheese, crumbled
In a large bowl, combine bulgar with 3/4 C. of boiling water; cover and let sit for 30 minutes; drain any excess water.
In the meantime, cook quinoa in approximately 1 C. of water over low heat until the quinoa "unfurls"; drain, combine with bulgar.
In a small bowl, whisk together lemon juice, red wine vinegar, olive oil and Greek seasoning (a combination of salt, oregano, garlic, lemon peel, black pepper and marjoram).
Add all vegetables, the parsley and dressing to the grain mixture and mix to combine; add feta and toss well before serving.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Thursday, Friday and Saturday: Playing Catch Up
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Wednesday: Black Raspberry Ice Cream
Whisk together milk, salt, sugar in a small pot and warm through.
In the meantime, beat egg yolks in a small bowl; add a small amount of the warmed dairy mixture, whisking gently.
Add the egg mixture to the pot and heat until custard thickens.
Strain mixture into medium size bowl (strainer will catch any scrambled egg bits) and add cream and vanilla; chill completely.
About 30 minutes before you're ready to turn on your ice cream maker, combine berries, vodka and sugar (if using) in a small bowl.
Toss with fork or bliz with an immersion blender until combined; strain seeds if desired.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Tuesday: Philharmonic Picnic in Central Park
This year, we schlepped blankets and mini coolers, along with citronella candles and a battery-powered lantern, and food...lots of food. From the standard cheese and crudités (gussied up in a Pampered Chef Chillzanne) to soppressata and tabbouleh. My contributions included mini cans of Sofia Blanc de Blanc (so cute) as well as a tuna niçoise pasta salad.
The beauty of this salad is that it's mayo-free, but still chock full of interesting flavors and textures. And although the recipe calls for some fresh ingredients, the others are easy to keep in your cupboard to have on hand when inspiration strikes...or when an impromptu picnic is on the agenda!
Tuna Niçoise Pasta Salad
For this recipe, I used shallot, tomato and basil from the farmers market. The other ingredients were from, you guessed it, Trader Joes.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Monday: A New Twist on the Boiled Dinner

Monday, July 13, 2009
Sunday: Stuffed Round Zuchini
Although I wished I used more cheese in the mixture, the end result was tasty: an eggy custard studded with corn and red pepper. But perhaps because of the cheese I used (or maybe the extra egg white, or the fact I used 1% milk), the custard did have a bit of a gray tinge.
However, the gray was barely noticeable in the gratin I baked in the squash. In fact, it looked very impressive, and would make a great brunch dish (but only for those who will appreciate the cute factor!).
Green and Yellow Squash Stuffed with Corn Custard
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Market Week (Or a Plan for My Farmers Market Haul)

So I dropped $40 at the Union Square Greenmarket, loading up on staples like red onions (cipollini this time) and shallots and radishes, but also walked away with some prizes, including fava beans, round zucchini and black raspberries.
My plan is to use the produce in combination with what's in my cupboard and freezer, as well as the small order I got from Trader Joes this morning. Yes, I am cheating slightly.
Partially because of availability (no red peppers spotted yet), partially because of cost (while the $5 pint of Ronnybrook cream is likely far superior to the $1.99 half pint carton I purchased, a half pint is all I need) and partially because I just love TJ's stuff! But I am committed to featuring the "bounty of summer" upfront in each dish.
Right now, I have a corn gratin bubbling away in the oven for Sunday night supper. How will it turn out? Will I truly find ways to use all the produce? Stay tuned for the next installment!
P.S. Had a "foodie celeb" sighting at the greenmarket on Saturday. Food Network personality and chef Alexandra Guarnaschelli was buying a flat of cherry tomatoes from Stokes Farm, the place I get my tomatoes and persian cucumbers.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
A Study in Green and Red
I actually used most of the stuff raw (in salads). I still have to cook the totsoi (which I purchased solely because I had never seen it before). And the cherries? A sad tale.